Real-time communications improve safety, streamline response and elevate service. Digital two-way radio solutions are secure, instant, always available, and adaptable to your operation.
Our portfolio ensures staff can communicate seamlessly, respond rapidly and act professionally wherever they go. With slim radios, sleek accessories, leading applications and flexible systems, you’ll have technology that is right for each user.
Industry-leading applications are as integral to your operation as radios. Partnering with the top names, we designed them to increase efficiency, enhance responsiveness and improve accountability.
Communicate from your digital radio to anyone with a smart phone or mobile device, anywhere. Assign and confirm tasks efficiently and monitor your vehicles and logistics teams in real time throughout the facility.
Work Order Ticket Management
Assign tasks to individual employees. You can coordinate and manage issues more efficiently and discreetly, and track staff performance and responsiveness.
Telephone Interconnect
Connect telephone users to the right radio user by dialing a number on their landline phone. You can set a "shortcut" to reach emergency services, security or maintenance.
Complement your radio with intuitive accessories that are tailor-made for security. Compact, durable and comfortable, they’re ideal for extended wear and discreet conversations.
Whether you want comfortable and discreet earpieces for security personnel or Bluetooth wireless accessories for staff on the move, our accessories are a necessity to optimize the performance of your radio.
Our wide range of systems are the backbone of your next generation communication solution. They’re sized to your current coverage needs and adapt as you evolve tomorrow. Whether your property is a single site or encompasses multiple buildings and complex facilities, we have a system to connect every user.
Expect clear, continuous communication to the very ends of coverage – across buildings, barriers and diverse terrain – and the expertise to determine which system is right for you.