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פג תוקף ההפעלה שלך.

פג תוקף ההפעלה המאומתת שלך עקב חוסר פעילות. אתה יכול לסגור הודעה זו ולהמשיך כאורח או להיכנס שוב לפני שתמשיך.

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A sophisticated tool for professionals who demand more from their communications solutions, the GM380 offers a wide range of features designed to help business maximise its effectiveness.
Emergency signalling sends a help signal to a pre-defined person or group of users with a pre-recorded message that could state user’s location to expedite assistance. DTMF enabled, the GM380 can make and receive telephone calls thanks to its full keypad. The radio also automatically mutes the in-vehicle entertainment system allowing calls to be sent and received without interruption.

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Test HB lorem ipsum dolore
test description Test HB lorem ipsum doloreTest HB lorem ipsum dolore Test HB lorem ipsum dolore Test HB lorem ipsum dolore