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צריך לתמיכה? קבל תמיכה
פג תוקף ההפעלה שלך.

פג תוקף ההפעלה המאומתת שלך עקב חוסר פעילות. אתה יכול לסגור הודעה זו ולהמשיך כאורח או להיכנס שוב לפני שתמשיך.

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An economical solution for organisations with a mobile workforce, the easy-to-use GM140 offers fundamental functionality to ensure efficient and effective communications with vehicle-based staff.

Easy-to-use with push-button operation and LED indicators requiring minimal training, the GM140 is data capable allowing for customisation to reflect the way that the organisation works. The functionality can also be expanded with third-party options boards such as voice storage to avoid missing an important message when away from the vehicle. A range of interchangeable programmable buttons is also available for further tailoring.

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Test HB lorem ipsum dolore
test description Test HB lorem ipsum doloreTest HB lorem ipsum dolore Test HB lorem ipsum dolore Test HB lorem ipsum dolore