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Digital Policing Report


The Fifth Digital Policing Summit was held in November 2019 to review progress on the digital ambition set out in Policing Vision 2025. The focus was on practical delivery questions including how to deliver a ‘one-system’ approach, data sharing and public confidence and innovation and technological disruption.

"This paper truly captures the breadth of the day that questioned that so critical aspect of personal capability - the most expert tools in inept hands are worthless. It progressed to consider the environment in which we are seeking to deliver these tools with the complexities of public sector and private sector governance, the speed for decision making, the number of decision makers and ultimately the uncertainty of funding." - Giles York, Chief Constable of Sussex Police and Chair of the Digital Policing Board

" For the third year we are pleased to sponsor this report to positively encourage debate and knowledge sharing around digital transformation. The police service is operating in a new era of complex demand with rising terror threats, a growth in cybercrimes, an explosion in digital evidence and the growing need to protect the most vulnerable in our communities. 

Motorola Solutions is working with forces in the UK now, helping them to effect the technology transformation that we must all embrace in order to remain relevant and effective." - Fergus Mayne, UK Country Manager, Motorola Solutions

The summary report is intended for those who attended the summit, for other chief officers, Police & Crime Commissioners, Police CIO/CTOs, officials from the Home Office and other relevant government departments, Members of Parliament and Select Committees.

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