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New in PremierOne - CAD, Mobile and Records - RELEASE 4.6.15

We're excited to review the work done this past quarter to improve the PremierOne experience for users. For any questions, please contact customer success.

CAD and CAD Web Client

PremierOne CAD - Optional “Send notification on subsequent dispatch”

Who will use it?
Dispatchers and first responders 

What is the value?
Many times, subsequent units are dispatched to an incident. This feature will allow for a notification to be sent each time units are dispatched. 

How does it work? 
Notifications will be sent at initial dispatch and as subsequent units are dispatched. This does not apply to UX and self-dispatched calls. Triggering criteria will need to be provisioned.

PremierOne CAD - Improved call stacking within the call stacking form

Who will use it? 

What is the value? 
Some agencies require dispositions to be applied to an incident. This feature requires this to happen even when using the Call Stacking form and when the incident was handled by a unit that was not the primary unit. 

How does it work? 
There is nothing a user needs to provision. The code was improved to ensure that, if required by the agency, the user will provide a disposition before the incident is closed.

PremierOne CAD - Productize ARL Move and ARL Purge Settings

Who will use it? 
CAD Administrator 

What is the value? 
More efficient, greater configuration, better performance, and less confusion with similar jobs/code within the system. 

How does it work? 
The code was improved in this version to include these new purge settings. There are no settings or configurations that need to be completed.

PremierOne CAD Web Client - updated login screen

Who will use it? 

What is the value? 
This login screen update affects all products in the CommandCentral platform as we are working to provide a unified, familiar sign-on experience, regardless of which solution customers are using.

How does it work? 
For more information about the login screen update, click here.

PremierOne CAD Web Client Status Monitor Filtering, Duplication and Column Selection

Who will use it? 
Various groups of users who need some form of access to CAD data

What is the value? 
These capabilities provide greater control over how CAD presents incident and unit data to users. One of the possible use cases is to split incidents into high priority versus all others, or to organize them by agencies (e.g. fire vs. police).

How does it work? 
Once undocked, Unit and Incident (pending or active) Status Monitors now provide a few additional capabilities represented by different icons:

  • Apply filters
  • Manage columns
  • Duplicate (create a copy of the current monitor)

PremierOne CAD Web Client Multi-Agency Incident Details Reports

Who will use it? 
Authorized users who have access to CAD data (view only or dispatch)

What is the value? 

Users can publish pdf versions of incidents to which they have access to avoid going to dispatch or the reporting portal.

Until now, users could only view and print incident details reports for incidents from the agency their user account belonged to. With this recent change, users are now able to view and print incident report details for incidents from other agencies they have access to.

How does it work? 

  • View-only reporting access needs to be set up for users in all agencies they must have access to.
  • Reporting service must be set up in the cloud and incident details report must be onboarded for each agency.


PremierOne CAD Web Client Multi-Agency RMS Incident Report Assignment

Who will use it? 
Authorized users who can assign RMS incident reports (dispatchers, supervisors, desk officers)

What is the value? 
In the past, Web Client only assigned a single report number for the agency of the incident. Today’s system assigns report numbers for all agencies that are currently responding to the incident, including the owning agency. 

How does it work? 

  • The “assign report number” button has been moved to a different location - the “associated events” tab.
  • By clicking on “Assign New” the system will either assign a report number for the agency of the incident or prompt the user to select the agency of the report.
  • CAD Web Client Dispatch access is needed for this capability.

Automatic user mapping between P1 CAD and Web Client

Who will use it? 
User admins / agency admins

What is the value? 

Onboarding hybrid customers is going to be a COLOSSAL task. Some of these tasks are quite mundane and repetitive, such as creating CommandCentral Admin users to represent each CAD user, then manually mapping them together. For customers with hundreds of users, this is quite laborious and time consuming.

Our solution is to automate this process as much as possible! We will look and see if a CAD user has a valid email, and if a CommandCentral Admin user with the same email exists we will automatically map a CommandCentral Admin user AND map the CAD user to it! 

How does it work? 

  • Create a CommandCentral Admin account for each PremierOne CAD user who will need a Web Client account.
  • Go to PremierOne provisioning and set email for the users (Email in Details section or Primary Email in Contact Info of the personnel record in PremierOne CAD Provisioning console).
  • As updates are made they will force the system to check for new emails and update mapping in CAD Cloud Admin page.

Multi-factor authentication (Windows, iOS and Android)

Who will use it? 
Agencies wanting to be compliant with the DOJ December 2024 mandate, and agencies that prefer to have multi-factor authentication for security purposes.

What is the value? 
Agencies can now use Keycloak with their PremierOne suite for multi factor authentication.

New icon and splash screen for iOS and Android

Who will use it? 
iOS and Android users

What is the value? 
The updated icon and splash screen provides a more modern look for iOS and Android products.

How does it work? 
This automatically updates when a customer upgrades.
(new icon; new splash screen)


New Pull Forward Wizard - People and Vehicle

Who will use it? 
Primarily officers and deputies who re-use people and vehicle while writing reports.

What is the value? 

  • A larger wizard window that displays more search information.
  • A simplified, streamlined interface and faster window loading.
  • Case Folder, Master, and Ext queries are executed simultaneously for greater search efficiency.
  • Quicker search results and pull forward operations.
  • Ability to pull master records to multiple locations.
  • Confirmation of successful pull operation appears on the same page.
  • User friendly for touch screen operations, reducing duplicate data entry and greater data integration.

Current Activity in Standard Client

Who will use it? 
Primarily officers and deputies

What is the value? 
Allows for feature parity between RMS Mobile and Standard Client. Also helps users see the status of their reports - checked in or checked out. 

How does it work? 
This can be configured on Agency Level and by Security Group

Name of Feature - Attach PDF to Module Document 

Who will use it? 
RMS Users

What is the value? 
Previously agencies could attach a pdf to a folder, but not a document. Now agencies can scan any paper documents and attach them to a document. For example, scan a tow form and attach to an impound module, or scan a paper missing-person report and attach it to a case report. 

How does it work? 
See above.

New in PremierOne CAD - RELEASE 4.6.14

We're excited to review the work done this past quarter to improve the PremierOne experience. For any questions, please contact customer success.


Track unit location on P1 CAD Web Client map

Who will use it?
Command Staff, Dispatch Supervisors, Firefighters 

What is the value? 
To understand an actual location of specific units with enabled GPS-reporting for situational awareness; to request backup and monitor situation without a need to have full CAD or Mobile Client

How does it work?
P1 CAD units’ ARL data gets transferred over to the cloud via Location Services. CAD Web Client subscribes to receiving location updates for specific agencies the logged-in user has access to and then displays incoming locations on CAD Web Client map


CAD Incident search via CAD Web Client

Who will use it?
Command Staff, Dispatch Supervisors, Firefighters, Police Officers 

What is the value?
For any investigative, quality-assurance tasks where specific incidents need to be found without a need to have a full CAD or Mobile Client

How does it work?
When CAD Web Client is enabled, all P1 CAD incidents get pushed to the cloud, where authorized users can search for incidents from their agency or other agencies they have “view incident access” to, and review their details and history. This includes closed incidents. System supports lookup by a set of parameters as CAD Incident #, Report #, Address, Phone, Comments

Saving and remembering CAD Map bookmarks

Who will use it?
Command Staff, Dispatch Supervisors, Firefighters 

What is the value?
To define a map view/extent they could easily switch to in case they need a particular geography

How does it work?
User accesses the map in CAD Web Client. Then they navigate to a desired geography in the map at the desired zoom level, access bookmarks feature and save a new bookmark giving it a desired name. Once completed, the saved map bookmark will appear in the bookmark list and will be available for selection

PremierOne CAD

Ability to update location information on associated incidents

Who will use it?
CAD Users - Dispatchers/Call-Takers

What is the value
Events that require multiple agencies to respond (such as police and fire) sometimes require multiple incidents. This feature provides the option to update a location on all associated incidents with one transaction.

How does it work?
The CAD user can check a box to update the location of associated incidents.  They can also have that check box defaulted to always be checked.

Database queries added for Vehicle ID, Radio ID and Talkgroup

Who will use it?
CAD Users - Dispatchers/Call-Takers

What is the value
Many times there is a need to know what Radio ID or Vehicle ID is assigned to a certain unit or person. This query provides that information quickly and lets the user know if the equipment is on duty.

How does it work?
A query can be provisioned now that the data has been added to this release. Once the query is provisioned, the CAD user can use it to search for the assignment of the queried equipment. 

Verify by City and Location Update

Who will use it?
CAD Administrators

What is the value
Agencies have the option to verify locations within CAD by location and city, or by all fields within the location verification section of the form. Previously this setting was in the CAD Client configuration tool. With this change the setting is easily available within provisioning.

How does it work?
When the option is checked within provisioning, mapping, verification settings, the CAD Clients for the agency will verify by location and city only.


Online Help 

Who will use it?
Mobile Windows Users

Why would they use it?
To access documentation or online learning

How does it work?
The previous links that would take the user to documentation within the application will not navigate to the LXP 

Call Stacking Enhancements 

Who will use it?
Mobile Windows Users

Why would they use it?
This gives the agency more flexibility in their call stacking behavior and also enhances the operational navigation of the Mobile windows product

How does it work?
Add provisioning option so when a stacked call is active there is no pop-up and the default behavior is for the call to go back to a stack (unless a disposition is added and the incident is closed out). Add function key to take user to call stack. Currently the functionality takes the user to their active incident. Add option to activate a call from the Incident Summary screen


Pull Forward Wizard UI Enhancement and Vehicles

Who will use it?
RMS Mobile Users

What is the value
When writing a report, you want to use a person or vehicle from a Master Subject or Vehicle record.

How does it work?
This feature reduces duplicate data entry and pulls the person or vehicle forward.

Print/Save As Enhancements

Who will use it?
RMS Users

What is the value
Currently, if you are printing a case folder with 50 documents, you have to hit “print” 50 times. This will allow the user to select the documents and print with one button pushed. 

How does it work?
User Print Wizard to dictate the user options for printing or save as functionality that will correspond to the printer agency set up

CommandCentral Responder - PremierOne Records Integration for Citations

Who will use it?
Customers who own CommandCentral Responder and PremierOne Records

What is the value?
If the customer is a P1 RMS customer who also has CC Responder for citations this will provide that integration 

How does it work?
When the option is checked within provisioning, mapping, verification settings, the CAD Clients for the agency will verify by location and city only

New in PremierOne CAD - RELEASE 4.6.12
PremierOne CAD


We're excited to announce the availability of PremierOne 4.6.12! To upgrade your system, reach out to Support. Also join us for PremierOne product webinars, hosted every other month. To get added to the invite list, please reach out to your customer success representative.  

Highlight Recommended Units that are In Station on Dispatch Form

Who would use it? 
CAD Users, CAD Admins - suitable for Fire and Law

What is the value? 
Easily see which units are recommendable but in their station or to see the status color of the unit that is being recommended

How does it work? 
CAD Admin can select a provisioning option to have units in station highlighted or units to be highlighted with the color of their status (as provisioned in status monitors)



AI for Comments - Comments Parser

Who would use it? 
AD Users

What is the value? 
Quickly add comments containing person and/or vehicle information and have that information automatically added to person and vehicle forms without having to click on those forms and enter the data. 

How does it work? 
Provisionable by role to enable this feature.  Data that is entered into comments can be parsed and populated to the person and vehicle forms. 

Read the blog on this feature:



PremierOne Supports Microsoft 2019

Who would use it? 
System Administrators

What is the value? 
Support for new system or upgraded system

How does it work?     
This includes support for Windows Server 2019, SQL Server 2019, and Scom 2019




Default Unit/User ID Provisioning Settings

Who would use it? 
ystem Administrators

What is the value? 
This provides a system wide messaging option in Provisioning to default messages to be sent using the users unit or user id. Current functionality is that this is a “follow me” setting and requires each officer make the change on their workstation. This Provisioning setting allows for it to be configured system-wide



Capabilities in the Login Screen

Who would use it? 
Mobile Users

What is the value? 
Currently, Capabilities can only be edited once you have signed into Mobile. This surfaces the Provisioning options for Capabilities and adds them to the login screen. This allows the user to document the Capabilities at the start of their shift, documenting such things as they have a taser or they have 3 less lethal devices, etc. This can be added to the Simple and Detailed login screen.



iOS Compose Message

Who would use it?
iOS Users

What is the value? 
In iOS the user can now compose a message. They can send a message with a To field, BC/CC, Subject line, priority and text. They can also add attachments from the photo library, take a photo with their camera or upload a file. The message can be canceled.



Android Radio ID

Who would use it? 
Android Users

What is the value? 
The Radio ID field has been added to the Android login screen. This also works for cross agency.


PremierOne Records


Lobby UI Update

Who would use it? 
RMS Users

What is the value? 
On the Login screen, the following changes were made:

  • The Motorola Solutions logo is now in the same position as it is on the Lobby page.
  • The background color is now white, not gray.
  • White space has been removed to fit smaller screen sizes, such as 800x600.
  • All sub items now exist in expanding menus that allow the user to only display the subitems of the menus they want open.
  • A Collapse All button was added to allow users to close all these menus simultaneously.
  • For the sub items, dynamic columns have been added so that users can view as many columns as  can fit on their screen size.
  • The color separator between categories is now the same color as the header bar at the top of the page.
  • Other minor changes have been made to be consistent with the theme, such as a shadow between categories, font sizing, and alignment.

Case Management Batch Update

Who will use it? 
RMS Users

What is the value? 
The case management batch process feature allows users to move on to different tasks in the Case Manager while waiting for a batch to process and removes pipeline time-out errors. Users also have the ability to monitor the process status and restart the process for any files that might not have been completed

How does it work? 
The feature flag CaseManagementBatch must be turned on in order to use this feature. 

New in PremierOne - RELEASE 4.6.11


We're excited to announce the availability of PremierOne 4.6.11! To upgrade your system reach out to your tier three support manager.

To learn more about this release, watch this quarter’s Live! with PremierOne.


Light Incident Create

Who will use it? 
Any authorized user who does not need to have a full P1 CAD or Mobile client, for example a desk officer or a records clerk filling in temporary calltaking duties for non-emergency situations who needs to be able to create an incident or create it and immediately close.

Why will they use it?
To create incidents for walk-ins, non-administrative calls.

How does it work? 
Authorized users will be able to create single agency/discipline incidents from Command Central Viewer UI that will flow into PremierOne CAD and will be available for updates by dispatchers. 

  • The incident create form allows to capture the following information:
  • Location (full street, city, address description, lat lon)
  • Incident type, mod circumstance and priority
  • Assigned agency and area
  • Initial caller’s phone, first and last name
  • Incident description / initial comment
  • Incident source

Additional information
Agency will need to have purchased CC CAD Viewer to have access to this functionality, 4.6.12+ version of P1 CAD is required. Agencies interested in using light incident create capability can beta test it using their own GIS data to verify addresses in the CC CAD Viewer UI. 

PremierOne CAD

Arcgis 10.8.1 Required For Premierone 4.6.11

Who will use it? 
PremierOne CAD GIS administrators. 

Why will they use it? 
This is a later version of ArcGIS that is supported by ESRI.

How does it work? 
It is required for use of 4.6.11 with step by step install instructions located in the CAD Client Installation Guide. 

Automatic Associated Incident Creation By Incident Response Factor (Irf) 

Who will use it? 
PremierOne CAD Administrators and CAD Users. 

Why will they use it?
Ability to decide which incidents get automatic associated incidents created and which would display a dialog box to choose to create the incident. 

How does it work?
Setting added provisioning for incident management, incident response factor.  

Field Initiate (Fi) Command Added To Unit Status Monitor Right Click Provisioning Options

Who will use it? 
PremierOne CAD Administrators and CAD Users 

Why will they use it? 
Right clicks are a quick and easy way for CAD Users to update units and incidents.  Adding the ability for the FI command allows for the CAD User to quickly click on a unit and create an incident such as a traffic stop. 

How does it work? 
CAD Admin would provision the FI command right click option on any unit status monitor.  The CAD user would have it available to create a Field Initiated incident.  

Manage High Priority Incidents With Console Control (Cc) Or Supervisor Console Control (Sc) Commands

Who will use it? 
PremierOne CAD users 

Why will they use it? 
In busy times a high priority incident may need to be handled by a dedicated dispatcher.  With this feature the CAD User can add an incident or send other incidents to another user. The supervisor could do this for other CAD Users as well. 

How does it work? 
The incident/active unit identifier was added to the CC and SC commands.  The addition of this identifiers allows the user to add or delete incidents from their coverage areas. 

PremierOne Mobile

Capabilities On Login Screen

Who will use it? 
Mobile users 

Why will they use it? 
This allows users to update their capabilities/equipment at the time they sign into their mobile application 

How does it work? 
The Capabilities that have been configured in Provisioning will be surfaced on the Simple and Detailed login screen. 

Ios Messaging - Compose

Who will use it? 
iOS Users

Why will they use it? 
Allows iOS users to compose and send messages 

How does it work? 
Within the Messaging module the user can compose a new message

Unit Id Default - Messaging

Who will use it? 
Agencies who want their messaging to be default to be sent from the Unit ID

Why will they use it? 
This allows users to update their capabilities/equipment at the time they sign into their mobile application 

How does it work? 
Provisioning updates have been made that allow the agency to override follow me settings and default all messages to be sent using the Unit ID

Ios Optional Status Parameters 

Who will use it? 
iOS Users

Why will they use it? 
This allows the user to update the location, comments or mileage within a status

How does it work? 
Within Provisioning each status can identify the location, comments or mileage as optional or required. The optional Provisioning was not being surfaced in iOS. Now, iOS users can update these fields within each status change 

PremierOne Records


Who will use it? 
Any user who would have permissions to expunge a record.

Why will they use it? 
Users are served with court orders to expunge information from reports.

How does it work? 
The feature utilizes the expungement wizard.


Who will use it? 
Any user who would have permissions to seal a record

Why will they use it? 
Users are often served with court orders to seal photos inside of a report. 

How does it work? 
This feature utilizes the seal wizard.


Who will use it? 

Why will they use it? 
Frequently end users will not fill in all of the required fields when entering reports, leading to incomplete records. This enables administrators to set specific fields as required.

How does it work? 
This feature is utilized through the ACT Tool

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