Cloud Security with Motorola Solutions
When it comes to public safety, we understand the risks are high. This is why we built the first and only end-to-end mission-critical public safety software platform in the cloud: CommandCentral. With a cloud-based CommandCentral solution, you can rest assured that your system is developed, deployed and maintained with a security-first approach.
Trusted support
Our cloud-based solutions are backed by a team of leading cybersecurity experts that leverage the NIST National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education Framework (NICE Framework).
Reliable solution
Our Secure Software Development Life Cycle (S-SDLC) includes high-level security requirements that must be considered to ensure the most reliable solution for public safety agencies.
Secure technology
Our solutions and customer data leverage cloud-native services and security controls for optimized operations in a state-of-the-art cloud environment.
The data security challenge for public safety:
Outdated software
40% of public safety agency computers may be over seven years old and running decades-old software.
Ransomware attacks
70% of reported ransomware attacks in the U.S. target state and local governments.
Target 9-1-1 centers
300+ cyberattacks on public safety agencies in 24 months with 25% of these targeting 9-1-1 centers.