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Subscription Software Addendum

This Subscription Software Addendum (this “SSA”) is entered into between Motorola Solutions, Inc., with offices at 500 W. Monroe Street, Suite 4400, Chicago, IL 60661 (“Motorola”) and Customer (as defined in the MCA), and will be subject to, and governed by, the terms of the Master Customer Agreement, available at (the “MCA”). Capitalized terms used in this SSA, but not defined herein, will have the meanings set forth in the MCA.

1. Agreement. This SSA governs Customer’s purchase of Subscription Software (and, if set forth in an Ordering Document, related Services) from Motorola, and will form part of the Parties’ Agreement. Additional Subscription Software-specific Addenda or other terms and conditions may apply to certain Subscription Software, where such terms are provided or presented to Customer.

2. Delivery of Subscription Software.

2.1. Delivery. During the applicable Subscription Term (as defined below), Motorola will provide to Customer the Subscription Software purchased by Customer, in accordance with the terms of the Agreement. Motorola will provide Customer advance notice (which may be provided electronically) of any planned downtime. Delivery will occur upon Customer’s receipt of credentials required for access to the Subscription Software or upon Motorola otherwise providing access to the Subscription Software. If agreed upon in an Ordering Document, Motorola will also provide Services related to such Subscription Software.

2.2. Modifications. In addition to other rights to modify the Products and Services set forth in the MCA, Motorola may modify the Subscription Software, any associated recurring Services and any related systems so long as their functionality (as described in the applicable Ordering Document) is not materially degraded. Documentation for the Subscription Software may be updated to reflect such modifications. For clarity, new features or enhancements that are added to any Subscription Software may be subject to additional Fees.

2.3. User Credentials. If applicable, Motorola will provide Customer with administrative user credentials for the Subscription Software, and Customer will ensure such administrative user credentials are accessed and used only by Customer’s employees with training on their proper use. Customer will protect, and will cause its Authorized Users to protect, the confidentiality and security of all user credentials, including any administrative user credentials, and maintain user credential validity, including by updating passwords. Customer will be liable for any use of the Subscription Software through such user credential (including through any administrative user credentials), including any changes made to the Subscription Software or issues or user impact arising therefrom. To the extent Motorola provides Services to Customer in order to help resolve issues resulting from changes made to the Subscription Software through user credentials, including through any administrative user credentials, or issues otherwise created by Authorized Users, such Services will be billed to Customer on a time and materials basis, and Customer will pay all invoices in accordance with the payment terms of the MCA.

2.4. Beta Services. If Motorola makes any beta version of a software application (“Beta Service”) available to Customer, Customer may choose to use such Beta Service at its own discretion, provided, however, that Customer will use the Beta Service solely for purposes of Customer’s evaluation of such Beta Service, and for no other purpose. Customer acknowledges and agrees that all Beta Services are offered “as-is” and without any representations or warranties or other commitments or protections from Motorola. Motorola will determine the duration of the evaluation period for any Beta Service, in its sole discretion, and Motorola may discontinue any Beta Service at any time. Customer acknowledges that Beta Services, by their nature, have not been fully tested and may contain defects or deficiencies.

3. Subscription Software License and Restrictions.

3.1. Subscription Software License. Subject to Customer’s and its Authorized Users’ compliance with the Agreement, including payment terms, Motorola hereby grants Customer and its Authorized Users a limited, non-transferable, non-sublicenseable, and non-exclusive license to use the Subscription Software identified in an Ordering Document, and the associated Documentation, solely for Customer’s internal business purposes. The foregoing license grant will be limited to use in the territory and to the number of licenses set forth in an Ordering Document (if applicable), and will continue for the applicable Subscription Term. Customer may access, and use the Subscription Software only in Customer’s owned or controlled facilities, including any authorized mobile sites; provided, however, that Authorized Users using authorized mobile or handheld devices may also log into and access the Subscription Software remotely from any location. No custom development work will be performed under this Addendum.

3.2. End User Licenses. Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary in the Agreement, certain Subscription Software is governed by a separate license, EULA, or other agreement, including terms governing third-party software, such as open source software, included in the Subscription Software. Customer will comply, and ensure its Authorized Users comply, with such additional license agreements. 

3.3. Customer Restrictions. Customers and Authorized Users will comply with the applicable Documentation and the copyright laws of the United States and all other relevant jurisdictions (including the copyright laws where Customer uses the Subscription Software) in connection with their use of the Subscription Software. Customer will not, and will not allow others including the Authorized Users, to make the Subscription Software available for use by unauthorized third parties, including via a commercial rental or sharing arrangement; reverse engineer, disassemble, or reprogram software used to provide the Subscription Software or any portion thereof to a human-readable form; modify, create derivative works of, or merge the Subscription Software or software used to provide the Subscription Software with other software; copy, reproduce, distribute, lend, or lease the Subscription Software or Documentation for or to any third party; take any action that would cause the Subscription Software, software used to provide the Subscription Software, or Documentation to be placed in the public domain; use the Subscription Software to compete with Motorola; remove, alter, or obscure, any copyright or other notice; share user credentials (including among Authorized Users); use the Subscription Software to store or transmit malicious code; or attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Subscription Software or its related systems or networks.

4. Term.

4.1. Subscription Terms. The duration of Customer’s subscription to the first Subscription Software and any associated recurring Services ordered under this SSA (or the first Subscription Software or recurring Service, if multiple are ordered at once) will commence upon delivery of such Subscription Software (and recurring Services, if applicable) and will continue for a twelve (12) month period or such longer period identified in an Ordering Document (the “Initial Subscription Period”). Following the Initial Subscription Period, Customer’s subscription to the Subscription Software and any recurring Services will automatically renew for additional twelve (12) month periods (each, a “Renewal Subscription Year”), unless either Party notifies the other Party of its intent not to renew at least thirty (30) days before the conclusion of the then-current Subscription Term. (The Initial Subscription Period and each Renewal Subscription Year will each be referred to herein as a “Subscription Term”.) Motorola may increase Fees prior to any Renewal Subscription Year. In such case, Motorola will notify Customer of such proposed increase no later than thirty (30) days prior to commencement of such Renewal Subscription Year. Unless otherwise specified in the applicable Ordering Document, if Customer orders any additional Subscription Software or recurring Services under this SSA during an in-process Subscription Term, the subscription for each new Subscription Software or recurring Service will (a) commence upon delivery of such Subscription Software or recurring Service, and continue until the conclusion of Customer’s then-current Subscription Term (a “Partial Subscription Year”), and (b) automatically renew for Renewal Subscription Years thereafter, unless either Party notifies the other Party of its intent not to renew at least thirty (30) days before the conclusion of the then-current Subscription Term. Thus, unless otherwise specified in the applicable Ordering Document, the Subscription Terms for all Subscription Software and recurring Services hereunder will be synchronized.

4.2. Term. The term of this SSA (the “SSA Term”) will commence upon either (a) the Effective Date of the MCA, any Subscription Software is purchased by Customer as of such Effective Date, or (b) the date of the last signature on the first Ordering Document for the purchase of Subscription Software between the Parties, and will continue until the expiration or termination of all Subscription Terms under this SSA, unless this SSA or the Agreement is earlier terminated in accordance with the terms of the Agreement.

4.3. Termination. Notwithstanding the termination provisions of the MCA, Motorola may terminate this SSA (or any Addendum or Ordering Documents hereunder), or suspend delivery of Subscription Software or Services, immediately upon notice to Customer if (a) Customer breaches Section 3 – Subscription Software License and Restrictions of this SSA, or any other provision related to Subscription Software license scope or restrictions set forth in an Addendum or Ordering Document, or (b) it determines that Customer’s use of the Subscription Software poses, or may pose, a security or other risk or adverse impact to any Subscription Software, Motorola, Motorola’s systems, or any third party (including other Motorola customers). Customer acknowledges that Motorola made a considerable investment of resources in the development, marketing, and distribution of the Subscription Software and Documentation, and that Customer’s breach of the Agreement will result in irreparable harm to Motorola for which monetary damages would be inadequate. If Customer breaches this Agreement, in addition to termination, Motorola will be entitled to all available remedies at law or in equity (including immediate injunctive relief).

4.4. Wind Down of Subscription Software. In addition to the termination rights in the MCA, Motorola may terminate any Ordering Document and Subscription Term, in whole or in part, in the event Motorola plans to cease offering the applicable Subscription Software or Service to customers.

5. Payment.

5.1. Payment. Unless otherwise provided in an Ordering Document (and notwithstanding the provisions of the MCA), Customer will prepay an annual subscription Fee set forth in an Ordering Document for each Subscription Software and associated recurring Service, before the commencement of each Subscription Term. For any Partial Subscription Year, the applicable annual subscription Fee will be prorated based on the number of months in the Partial Subscription Year. The annual subscription Fee for Subscription Software and associated recurring Services may include certain one-time Fees, such as start-up fees, license fees, or other fees set forth in an Ordering Document. Motorola will have the right to suspend the Subscription Software and any recurring Services if Customer fails to make any payments when due.

5.2. License True-Up. Motorola will have the right to conduct an audit of total user licenses credentialed by Customer for any Subscription Software during a Subscription Term, and Customer will cooperate with such audit. If Motorola determines that Customer’s usage of the Subscription Software during the applicable Subscription Term exceeded the total number of licenses purchased by Customer, Motorola may invoice Customer for the additional licenses used by Customer, pro-rated for each additional license from the date such license was activated, and Customer will pay such invoice in accordance with the payment terms in the MCA.

6. Liability.


6.2. Voluntary Remedies. Motorola is not obligated to remedy, repair, replace, or refund the purchase price for the disclaimed or excluded issues in the MCA or Section 6.1 – Additional Exclusions above, but if Motorola agrees to provide Services to help resolve such issues, Customer will reimburse Motorola for its reasonable time and expenses, including by paying Motorola any Fees set forth in an Ordering Document for such Services, if applicable.

7. Motorola as a Controller or Joint Controller. In all instances where Motorola acts as a controller of data, it will comply with the applicable provisions of the Motorola Privacy Statement at, as may be updated from time to time.  Motorola holds all Customer Contact Data as a controller and shall Process such Customer Contact Data in accordance with the Motorola Privacy Statement. In instances where Motorola is acting as a joint controller with Customer, the Parties will enter into a separate Addendum to the Agreement to allocate the respective roles as joint controllers. 

8. Survival. The following provisions will survive the expiration or termination of this SPA for any reason: Section 1 – Addendum; Section 2 – Software Systems; Applicable Terms and Conditions; Section 6 – Prohibited Use; Section 9.1 – Applicable End User Terms; Section 10 – Survival

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