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Software Products Addendum

This Software Products Addendum (this “SPA”) is entered into between Motorola Solutions, Inc., with offices at 500 W. Monroe Street, Suite 4400, Chicago, IL 60661 (“Motorola”) and the entity purchasing Products or Services (as defined below) from Motorola (“Customer”), and will be subject to, and governed by, the terms of the Motorola Solutions Customer Agreement entered into between the Parties, effective as of the earlier of (a) the first purchase of a Product or Service from Motorola, and (b) the date of the last signature on the first Ordering Document (as defined below) between the Parties (the “MCA”), and the applicable Addenda. Capitalized terms used in this SPA, but not defined herein, will have the meanings set forth in the MCA or the applicable Addenda.

If you are purchasing Software Products or Services on behalf of your employer or another entity, you warrant that: (a) you have authority to bind your employer or the applicable entity, as “Customer” to this Agreement; (b) you have read and understand this Agreement; and (c) on behalf of the Customer that you represent, you agree to this Agreement. If you do not have the legal authority to bind your employer or the applicable entity as Customer to this Agreement, please do not complete the purchase of Software Services or Products from Motorola.

1.  Addendum. This SPA, available at, governs Customer’s purchase of certain Motorola software Products, including Software Systems, and will form part of the Parties’ Agreement. A “Software System” is a solution that includes at least one command center software Product and requires Integration Services to deploy such software Product at a Customer Site or onto any Customer-Provided Equipment or Equipment provided to Customer. In addition to the MCA, other Addenda may be applicable to the Software System or other software Products, including the Subscription Software Addendum (“SSA”), with respect to Subscription Software, and the Equipment Purchase and Software License Addendum (“EPSLA”) also available at www., with respect to Licensed Software and Equipment, as further described below. This SPA will control with respect to conflicting or ambiguous terms in the MCA or any other applicable Addendum, but only as applicable to the Software System or other software Products purchased under this SPA and not with respect to other Products and Services.

2.  Software Systems; Applicable Terms and Conditions.

2.1.  On-Premise Software System. If Customer purchases an “on-premises Software System,” where Equipment and Licensed Software are installed at Customer Sites or on Customer-Provided Equipment, then, unless the Ordering Document(s) specify that any software is being purchased on a subscription basis (i.e., as Subscription Software), such Equipment and Licensed Software installed at Customer Sites or on Customer-Provided Equipment are subject to the EPSLA. On-premises Software Systems described in this Section qualify for the System Warranty as described in Section 5 – On-Premises Software System Warranty (the “System Warranty”).  In connection with the on-premises Software System, Customer may also purchase additional Subscription Software that integrates with its on-premises Software System (e.g., CommandCentral Aware) (each, an “Add-On Subscription”). Any Add-On Subscription will be subject to the terms and conditions of the SSA and excluded from the System Warranty.

2.2.  On-Premise Software System as a Service. If Customer purchases an “on-premises Software System as a service,” where Equipment and software Products are installed at Customer Sites or on Customer-Provided Equipment, and such software is generally licensed on a subscription basis (i.e., as Subscription Software), then such Subscription Software will be subject to the SSA and not the EPSLA. Any (a) Equipment purchased, (b) firmware preinstalled on such Equipment, and (c) Microsoft operating system Licensed Software are subject to the EPSLA. On-premises Software Systems as a service described in this Section are provided as a service and, accordingly, do not qualify for the System Warranty. System completion, however, is determined in accordance with the provisions of Section 3 – Software System Completion below.

2.3.  Cloud Hosted Software System. If Customer purchases a “cloud hosted Software System,” where the applicable software is hosted in a data center and provided to Customer as a service (i.e., as hosted Subscription Software), including CommandCentral Products, then such Subscription Software is subject to the SSA. Any Equipment purchased in connection with a cloud Software System is subject to the EPSLA. Cloud hosted Software Systems described in this Section do not qualify for the System Warranty.  System completion, however, is determined in accordance with the provisions of Section 3 – Software System Completion below.

2.4.   Services. Any Integration Services or Maintenance and Support Services purchased in connection with, or included as a part of, a Software System are subject to the MCA, and as described in the applicable Ordering Document.

3.   Software System Completion. Any Software System described in an Ordering Document hereunder (including the Products, Integration Services, and all other components thereof) will be deemed completed upon Customer’s (or the applicable Authorized User’s) Beneficial Use of each Product that is included in the Software System (unless alternative acceptance procedures are set forth in the applicable Ordering Document) (the “System Completion Date”). Customer will not unreasonably delay Beneficial Use of any Product within a Software System, and in any event, the Parties agree that Beneficial Use of a Product will be deemed to have occurred thirty (30) days after functional demonstration. For clarity, if a Software System is comprised of more than one Product, Motorola may notify Customer that all Integration Services for a particular Product within the Software System have been completed, and Customer may have Beneficial Use of such Product prior to having Beneficial Use of other Products in the Software System, or of the Software System as a whole. In such case, the Integration Services applicable to such Product will be deemed complete upon Customer’s Beneficial Use of the Product (“Product Completion Date”), which may occur before the System Completion Date. As used in this Section, “Beneficial Use” means use by Customer or at least one (1) Authorized User of the material features and functionalities of a Product within a Software System, in material conformance with Product descriptions in the applicable Ordering Document. This Section applies to Products purchased as part of a Software System notwithstanding the delivery provisions of the Addendum applicable to such Products, such as the SSA or EPSLA, and this Section will control over such other delivery provisions to the extent of a conflict.

4.  Payment.  Customer will pay invoices for the Products and Services covered by this SPA in accordance with the invoice payment terms set forth in the MCA. Fees for Software Systems will be invoiced as of the System Completion Date, unless another payment process or schedule or milestones are set forth in an Ordering Document or applicable Addendum. In addition to Equipment, Licensed Software, Subscription Software and Integration Services (as applicable) sold as part of a Software System, the Ordering Documents for a Software System may also include post-deployment Integration Services or other Services which are to be provided following the date of functional demonstration (“Post-Deployment Services”). Post-Deployment Services will be invoiced upon their completion and paid by Customer in accordance with the terms of the MCA. 

5.  On-Premises Software System Warranty. Subject to the disclaimers in the MCA and any other applicable Addenda, Motorola represents and warrants that, on the System Completion Date for an on-premises Software System described in Section 2.1 – On-Premises Software System, or on the applicable Product Completion Date for a specific Product within such on-premises Software System, if earlier, (a) such Software System or Product will perform in accordance with the descriptions in the applicable Ordering Documents in all material respects, and (b) if Customer has purchased any Equipment or Motorola Licensed Software (but, for clarity, excluding Subscription Software) as part of such on-premises Software System, the warranty period applicable to such Equipment and Motorola Licensed Software will continue for a period of one (1) year commencing upon the System Completion Date for the Software System that includes such Products, or on the applicable Product Completion Date, if earlier, instead of commencing upon delivery of the Products in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in Section 6 – Representations and Warranties; Liabilities of the EPSLA. The warranties set forth in the applicable Addenda are not otherwise modified by this SPA.

6.  Prohibited Use. Customer will not integrate or use, or permit a third party or an Authorized User to integrate or use, any Non-Motorola Content with or in connection with a Software System or other software Product provided by Motorola under this SPA, without the express written permission of Motorola.

7.  API Support.  Motorola will use commercially reasonable efforts to maintain its Application Programming Interface (“API”) offered sold in connection with any Software System. APIs will evolve and mature over time, requiring changes and updates.  Motorola will use reasonable efforts to continue supporting any version of an API for 6 months after such version is introduced, but if Motorola determines, in its sole discretion, determines to discontinue support of an API for any reason, Motorola will provide reasonable advance notification to Customer.  If an API presents a security risk, Motorola may discontinue an API without prior notice.

8.  Support of Downloaded Clients. If Customer purchases any software Product that requires a client installed locally on any Customer-Provided Equipment or Equipment in possession of Customer, Customer will be responsible for downloading and installing the current version of such client, as it may be updated from time to time.  Motorola will use reasonable efforts to continue supporting any version of a client for forty-five (45) days following its release, but Motorola may update the current version of its client at any time, including for bug fixes, product improvements, and feature updates, and Motorola makes no representations or warranties that any software Product will support prior versions of a client. 

9.  Applicable End User Terms.  Additional license terms apply to third-party software included in certain software Products which are available online at Customer will comply, and ensure its Authorized Users comply, with all such additional license terms.

10.  Additional Terms for On-Premise Software System as a Service. The terms set forth in this Section 10 – Additional Terms for On-Premise Software System as a Service apply in the event Customer purchases an on-premises Software System as a service under this SPA.

10.1.  Transition to Subscription License Model. If the Parties mutually agree that any on-premises Subscription Software purchased under this SPA as part of an on-premises Software System as a service will be replaced with or upgraded to Subscription Software hosted in a data center, then upon such time which the Parties execute the applicable Ordering Document, (a) the licenses granted to such on-premises Subscription Software under the applicable Ordering Document will automatically terminate, (b) Customer and its Authorized Users will cease use of the applicable on-premises copies of Subscription Software, and (c) the replacement hosted Subscription Software provided hereunder will be governed by the terms of the SSA and this SPA.

10.2.   Transition Fee. Motorola will not charge additional Fees for Services related to the transition to hosted Subscription Software, as described in Section 10.1 – Transition to Subscription License Model. Notwithstanding the foregoing, subscription Fees for the applicable hosted Subscription Software are subject to the SSA and the applicable Ordering Document, and may be greater than Fees paid by Customer for on-premises Subscription Software.

10.3.   Software Decommissioning. Upon (a) transition of the on-premises Software System as a service to Subscription Software hosted in a data center or (b) any termination of the Subscription Software license for the on-premises Software System as a service, Motorola will have the right to enter Customer Sites and decommission the applicable on-premises Subscription Software that is installed at Customer’s Site or on Customer-Provided Equipment. For clarity, Customer will retain the right to use Licensed Software that is firmware incorporated into Equipment purchased by Customer from Motorola and any Microsoft operating system Licensed Software.

11.   Additional Terms for CAD and Records Products. The terms set forth in this Section 11 – Additional Terms for CAD and Records Products apply in the event Customer purchases any Computer Aided Dispatch (“CAD”) or Records Products under this SPA.

11.1.   Support Required. Customer acknowledges and agrees that the licenses granted by Motorola under the Agreement to CAD and Records Products for on-premises Software Systems are conditioned upon Customer purchasing Maintenance and Support Services for such Products during the term of the applicable license. If at any time during the term of any such license, Customer fails to purchase associated Maintenance and Support Services (or pay the fees for such Services), Motorola will have the right to terminate or suspend the software licenses for CAD and Record Products, and this SPA or the applicable Ordering Document.

11.2.   CJIS Security Policy. Motorola agrees to support Customer’s obligation to comply with the Federal Bureau of Investigation Criminal Justice Information Services (“CJIS”) Security Policy and will comply with the terms of the CJIS Security Addendum for the term of the Addendum or Ordering Document for the applicable Product. Customer hereby consents to Motorola screened personnel serving as the “escort” within the meaning of CJIS Security Policy for unscreened Motorola personnel that require access to unencrypted Criminal Justice Information for purposes of Product support and development.

12.  Additional Cloud Terms.  The terms set forth in this Section 12 – Additional Cloud Terms apply in the event Customer purchases any cloud-hosted software Products.

12.1.  Data StorageMotorola will determine, in its sole discretion, the location of the stored content for cloud hosted software Products. All data, replications, and backups will be stored at a location in the United States for Customers in the United States.

12.2.  Data Retrieval. Cloud hosted software Products will leverage different types of storage to optimize software, as determined in Motorola’s sole discretion.  For multimedia data, such as videos, pictures, audio files, Motorola will, in its sole discretion, determine the type of storage medium used to store the content. The type of storage and medium selected by Motorola will determine the data retrieval speed. Access to content in archival storage may take up to twenty-four (24) hours to be viewable.

12.3.  Availability.  Motorola will make reasonable efforts to provide monthly availability of 99.9% for cloud hosted software Products with the exception of maintenance windows. There are many factors beyond Motorola’s control that may impact Motorola’s ability to achieve this goal.

12.4.  Maintenance.  Scheduled maintenance of cloud-hosted software Products will be performed periodically.  Motorola will make commercially reasonable efforts to notify customers one (1) week in advance of any such maintenance.  Unscheduled and emergency maintenance may be required from time to time. Motorola will make commercially reasonable efforts to notify customers of any unscheduled or emergency maintenance twenty-four (24) hours in advance.

Survival. The following provisions will survive the expiration or termination of this SPA for any reason: Section 1 – Addendum; Section 2 – Software Systems; Applicable Terms and Conditions; Section 6 – Prohibited Use; Section 9 – Applicable End User Terms; Section 13 – Survival

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