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Lifecycle Management Addendum

This Lifecycle Management Addendum (this “LMA”) Addendum is entered into between Motorola Solutions, Inc., with office at 500 W. Monroe, suite 4400, Chicago, IL 60661 (“Motorola”) and the entity set forth in the signature block below or in the MCA (“Customer”) and will be subject to, and governed by, the terms of the Motorola Solutions Customer Agreement entered into between the Parties, effective as of the earlier of (a) the first purchase of Lifecycle Management services from Motorola, and (b) the date of the last signature on the first Ordering Document between the Parties (the “Effective Date”) the (“MCA”). Capitalized terms used in this LMA, but not defined herein, will have the meanings set forth in the MCA.

If you are purchasing Lifecycle Management services on behalf of your employer or another entity, you warrant that: (a) you have authority to bind your employer or the applicable entity, as “Customer” to this Agreement; (b) you have read and understand this Agreement; and (c) on behalf of the Customer that you represent, you agree to this Agreement. If you do not have the legal authority to bind your employer or the applicable entity as Customer to this Agreement, please do not complete the purchase of Lifecycle Management services from Motorola.

1.  Addendum.  This LMA governs Customer’s purchase of Lifecycle Management (as defined below) services (and, if set forth in an Ordering Document, related Services) from Motorola and will form part of the Parties’ Agreement. In addition to the MCA, other Addenda may be applicable to the LMA, including the Equipment Purchase and Software License Addendum (“EPSLA”), with respect to Licensed Software and Equipment, and the Communications Systems Addendum (“CSA”), as further described below. This LMA will control with respect to conflicting or ambiguous terms in the MCA or any other applicable Addendum, but only as applicable to the Lifecycle Management services purchased under this LMA and not with respect to other Products and Services.


2.  Scope

Motorola will provide upgrade services (“Lifecycle Management”) as further described in the applicable Ordering Documents.


3.  Terms and conditions

3.1  Lifecycle Management Services

3.1.1   The Software License terms included in the MCA and its Addendum applies to any Motorola Software provided as part of the Lifecycle Management transactions.

3.1.2  The term of this LMA is for the number of years set out in the Ordering Documents, commencing on the date set out in the Ordering Documents.  The price for the Lifecycle Management services is as set out in the Ordering Documents, excluding applicable sales or use taxes but including discounts as more fully set forth in the pricing pages.  Because the Lifecycle Management is provided as a subscription as more fully described in the applicable Ordering Documents, payment from Customer is due in advance and will not be in accordance with any Payment Milestone Schedule.

3.1.3   The Lifecycle Management upgrade will be scheduled during the subscription period and will be performed when Motorola’s upgrade operation resources are available.  Because there might be a significant time frame between when this LMA is executed and when a Communications System upgrade transaction is performed, Motorola may substitute any of the promised Equipment or Software so long as the substitute is equivalent or superior to the initially promised Equipment or Software.

3.1.4   Acceptance of a Lifecycle Management transaction occurs when the Equipment (if any) and Software are delivered, in accordance with the EPSLA, and the Lifecycle Management services are fully performed; there is no Acceptance Testing with a Lifecycle Management transaction.

3.1.5   The Warranty Period for any Equipment or Motorola Software provided under a Lifecycle Management transaction will commence upon shipment and not on Communications System Acceptance or Beneficial Use, and is for a period of ninety (90) days rather than one (1) year.  The ninety (90) day warranty for Lifecycle Management services is set forth in the applicable Ordering Document.

3.1.6   In addition to the description of the Lifecycle Management services and exclusions provided in the applicable Ordering Document, the following apply:

a)  Upon reasonable request by Motorola, Customer will provide a complete serial and model number list of the Equipment. 

b)  Lifecycle Management services exclude the repair or replacement of Equipment that has become defective or damaged from use in other than the normal, customary, intended, and authorized manner; use not in compliance with applicable industry standards; excessive wear and tear; or accident, liquids, power surges, neglect, acts of God or other force majeure events. 

c)  Unless specifically included in this LMA or the applicable Ordering Documents, Lifecycle Management services exclude items that are consumed in the normal operation of the Equipment; accessories; and repair or maintenance of any transmission line, antenna, microwave equipment, tower or tower lighting, duplexer, combiner, or multicoupler.  Motorola has no obligations for any transmission medium, such as telephone lines, computer networks, the internet or the worldwide web, or for Equipment malfunction caused by the transmission medium. 

d)  Customer will provide Motorola with designated points of contact (list of names and phone numbers) that will be available during the performance of the Lifecycle Management services.

3.1.7   The Lifecycle Management annualized price is based on the fulfillment of the two year cycle.  If Customer terminates this service during a two year cycle, except for Motorola’s default, then Customer will be required to pay for the balance of payments owed for the two year cycle if a major system release has been implemented before the point of termination.

3.1.8    If Customer terminates the Lifecycle Management service and contractual commitment before the end of the term as set out in the Ordering Documents, for any reason other than Motorola’s default, then the Customer will pay to Motorola a termination fee equal to the discount applied to the last three years of service payments. This provision survives the expiration or termination of the Agreement and applies notwithstanding any contrary provision.


4.  Payment

4.1  Unless alternative payment terms are stated in the applicable Ordering Documents, Motorola will invoice Customer in advance for each payment period.  All other charges will be billed monthly, and the Customer must pay each invoice in U.S. dollars within thirty (30) days of the invoice date.  Customer will reimburse Motorola for all property taxes, sales and use taxes, excise taxes, and other taxes or assessments that are levied as a result of Services rendered under this Agreement (except income, profit, and franchise taxes of Motorola) by any governmental entity.

4.2  INFLATION ADJUSTMENT. For multi-year agreements, at the end of the first year of the Agreement and each year thereafter, a CPI percentage change calculation shall be performed using the U.S. Department of Labor, Consumer Price Index, “All Items,” Unadjusted Urban Areas (CPI-U). Should the annual inflation rate increase greater than 3% during the previous year, Motorola shall have the right to increase all future maintenance prices by the CPI increase amount exceeding 3%. “All Items,” not seasonally adjusted shall be used as the measure of CPI for this price adjustment. The adjustment calculation will be based upon the CPI for the most recent twelve (12) month increment beginning from the most current month available as posted by the U.S. Department of Labor ( immediately preceding the new maintenance year. For purposes of illustration, if in Year 5 the CPI reported an increase of 8%, Motorola may increase the Year 6 price by 5% (8%-3% base).

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